Center for Contemplative Leadership
Prayer as Resistance 2.1:
Hope from Dark Places: Suffering, Wisdom and Community
April 27, 2024
Contemplative prayer fuels action in the world, and when it is fully rooted in God, leads to a deeper concern for social justice. Come and be empowered to consider a variety of ways in which our justice work might be anchored in the depths of God’s love for us and for our world. We will especially explore streams of contemplative wisdom that flow from places of suffering, and how this wisdom might illuminate the larger body of Christ.
All are welcome to attend this conference (2.1) in person or online. (In-person spots are limited, so be sure to register early to secure your spot! The early bird deadline is April 10, 2024. Please note that group spiritual direction offerings will be available again this year (limited spots; first come, first served). Click button below to learn more.
Conference Convener
Plenary Speaker
Workshop Leader
SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS (Facilitators of Contemplative Listening Circles)
All times are Eastern Time
Saturday, April 27
9:00 a.m. | • Registration |
9:30 a.m. | • Opening Worship |
• adwoa's Plenary Presentation (Framing of the Day) “The Sufferer’s Wisdom: Hope from the Dark Places” |
• Roundtable Discussion (adwoa Wilson, Juliet Liu, Bo Karen Lee, Caz Tod Pearson) “Suffering, Wisdom and Community” |
12:00 p.m. | • Lunch |
1:15 p.m. | SESSION 1 In-Person Options • Chapel: The chapel will be available in-person and virtually for participants who would like to spend time in quiet contemplation, prayer, and/or reflection. • Workshop: Carmelle Beaugelin Caldwell, Artful Collaboration in a Polarized World • Workshop: Katrina Jenkins, Praying With Your Feet – Understanding the Healing Power of the Labyrinth • CLC: led by facilitators Mary Ellen Azada, Melissa Berkey-Gerard, Ruth Giraldo-Mangual, Gabrielle Woods, Alex Zubak Virtual Options • Workshop: Andrew Prevot, Prayer as Resistance to Slavery • Workshop: Julian Reid, Notes of Rest • CLC: led by facilitators Angela Hooks, Erica McMurtry, Ruth Workman • Chapel: The chapel will be available in-person and virtually for participants who would like to spend time in quiet contemplation, prayer, and/or reflection. |
2:40 p.m. | SESSION II In-Person Options • Workshop (Hybrid): Juliet Liu, Renewed Imagination for Divine Encounter: Navigating Spiritual Impasse with Visio Divina • Workshop (Hybrid): Nina Laubach, Yoga and Stillness: Digest, Rest, and Refresh • CLC: led by facilitators Melissa Berkey-Gerard, David Kim, Julie McKeon, Caz Pearson, Alex Zubak Virtual Options • Workshop (Hybrid): Juliet Liu, Renewed Imagination for Divine Encounter: Navigating Spiritual Impasse with Visio Divina • Workshop (Hybrid): Nina Laubach, Yoga and Stillness: Digest, Rest, and Refresh • Workshop: Aizaiah Yong, Ruptures, Repair and Re-creation • CLC: led by facilitators Eunhyey Lok, Leonard McMahon, Ruth Workman |
4:00 p.m. | • Closing Session w/ adwoa Wilson |
5:00 p.m. | • End/Dismissal |
Participants can choose from a variety of workshops with options for creative expression, mindful movement, and theological reflection.
Title: Artful Collaboration in a Polarized World
Time Slot: Workshop #1, 1:15 p.m.
Format: In-Person Only
Description: In a world where we are constantly saturated by polarizing tensions, how may we co-create with others in a contemplative and mindful way? We will explore this question through a practice of contemplation, collaboration, and sacred art-making called CreatioDivina. CreatioDivina, hosted by BeauFolio Studio, brings together the sacred practice of lectio divina alongside artmaking that invites participants into a five-movement journey from the artists’ studio, to the art gallery, culminating at the artists’ round table. No previous art experience or skill is required. All materials will be provided.
Title: Praying With Your Feet: Understanding the Healing Power of the Labyrinth
Time Slot: Workshop #1, 1:15 p.m.
Format: In-Person Only
Description: The labyrinth is a spiritual tool meant to awaken us to the deep rhythm that unites us to ourselves and the light that calls from within. In surrendering to the winding path, the soul finds healing and wholeness.” Lauren Artress. Join Rev. Katrina Jenkins for an interactive workshop on how the use the labyrinth as a spiritual and meditative tool. During this workshop you will have the opportunity to walk a beautiful outdoor labyrinth on the property of House Next Door, at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (indoors in case of rain).
Title: Prayer as Resistance to Slavery
Time Slot: Workshop #1, 1:15 p.m.
Format: Virtual
Description: This workshop begins with the stories of several Black persons and communities who have turned to prayer as a form of resistance to slavery. It invites participants to reflect on the power of these acts of spiritual resistance and how they counteract political, economic, social, and psychological oppression. It includes an opportunity to pray with these ancestors for healing and liberation in our world today. This workshop will be experiential and dialogical.
Title: Notes of Rest
Time Slot: Workshop #1, 1:15 p.m.
Format: Virtual
Description: Notes of Rest® is a Spirit-led ministry that invites the weary to receive Jesus’ new life by practicing God’s gifts of rest played in the Bible and Black music. This workshop interweaves the theological themes (“notes”) of Salvation, Sabbath, Sleep, Stillness & Sanctuary with the playing and history of Black American music. Listening for the harmony between these different notes helps us receive from the writers of the biblical texts and the creators of Black music wisdom to resist the restless evil of this present age. Notes of Rest encourages participants to listen for the Holy Spirit’s leading, share in the journey with one another, and embrace God, neighbor, and self more fully. As Jesus’ restful New Creation emerges out of this restless world, Notes of Rest® provides hospitable space to discern our participation in it.
Title: Renewed Imagination for Divine Encounter: Navigating Spiritual Impasse with Visio Divina
Time Slot: Workshop #2, 2:40 p.m.
Format: In-Person & Virtual
Description: In this workshop, we will explore the transformative practice of Visio Divina, a contemplative approach to engaging with sacred images. Drawing from the rich tradition of Christian spirituality, Visio Divina invites us to encounter the divine through visual contemplation. As Constance Fitzgerald elucidates in her writings on impasse, moments of spiritual deadlock challenge us to transcend familiar frameworks and images to seek deeper, more nuazainced understandings of the divine. Through Visio Divina, we will navigate these impasses by opening ourselves to the mystery and beauty of sacred art, allowing new images to evoke fresh insights and new imagination. Together, we will journey towards a renewed and matured spirituality, grounded not in rigid dogma but in the fluidity of contemplative encounter.
Title: Yoga and Stillness: Digest, Rest, and Refresh
Time Slot: Workshop #2, 2:40 p.m.
Format: In-Person & Virtual
Description: We will have limited mats. Please bring your own if able.
Title: Ruptures, Repair and Re-creation
Time Slot: Workshop #2, 2:40 p.m.
Format: Virtual
Description: In this workshop you are invited to explore connections between suffering and wisdom in a workshop titled ‘Ruptures and Re-Creation.’ Through storytelling, visio divina contemplative practice, and group dialogue– participants will consider how liminal moments of rupture may be connected to opportunities for recreation and renewal. Participants will be invited to reflect on their own lived experiences of struggle and transformation, as we collectively discern how to co-create worlds anew.
$47/$57 for virtual early bird/standard attendees
$85/$95 for in-person early bird/standard attendees
Free for PTS students (except for lunch)*
$16 add-on for lunch (you are welcome to bring your own bag lunch if you prefer)
*PTS Students please contact Alexandra Zubak at for free registration code.
Early bird deadline: April 10
Standard registration closes: April 24
Virtual registration closes: April 26 at 5:00PM
All are welcome to attend this conference (2.1) in person or online. In-person spots are limited, so be sure to register early to secure your spot!
Please reach out to Tammy at for scholarships.
Travel & Lodging
To make your travel arrangements easier, we have reserved rooms at the two Hilton affiliated hotels below.
Hampton Inn in Princeton, NJ Near Princeton University
4385 US 1, South Princeton, NJ 08540 (5.8 miles from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church)
To make an online reservation under the CCL Room Block, click Contemplative Leadership Room Block Link
To make a phone reservation under the CCL Room Block, call 800-774-1500
and request Contemplative Leader Block Code: CLR
- This code is valid for reservations made for 4/25, 4/26, and/or 4/27
- Rooms must be reserved by midnight on 4/5/24
Hilton Garden Inn Princeton Lawrenceville Hotel
1300 Lenox Drive, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (8.1 miles from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church)
To make an online reservation under the CCL Room Block, click PTS ICLR Block Booking Link
To make a phone reservation under the CCL Room Block, call: 609-895-9200 and request Block Code: PTS CLR
- There is no charge for additional guests, but all names must appear on the reservation.
- This code is valid for reservations made for 4/26 and/or 4/27
- Rooms must be reserved by midnight on 3/29/24
If you will be driving to the event, there will be 50 spots available on site. If you have reduced mobility and require special parking accommodations, please email Tamara Hemingway at and we will reserve an on-site spot for you. We will also have overflow parking in the Windsor Business Park located at: 186 Princeton Hightstown Rd, West Windsor Township, NJ 08550. There will be a free shuttle service from the business park to the event location.
Standard Parking
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
177 Princeton Hightstown Rd
Princeton Junction, NJ 08550
Overflow Parking
West Windsor Business Park
186 Princeton Hightstown Rd
West Windsor Township, NJ 08550
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Betsy Stockton Center for Black Church Studies
Center for Asian American Christianity (CAAC)
Center for Barth Studies
Center for Engaged Compassion
EcoTheo Collective
Goldenwood NYC
Gonzaga University Leadership Program
Hispanic Theological Initiative
House Next Door
Institute for Youth Ministry (IYM)
Oasis Ministries for Spiritual Development
Overseas Ministries Studies Center (OMSC)
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Spirited Renewal
Spirituality Institute for Research and Education
The Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality
Women of Wonder (WOW!)
The World Community for Christian Meditation – USA
These three articles will provide the framework for this year’s discussion. If you’re able to read any of them in advance, your experience might be all the richer when we gather: